Budget Counseling
Do you know your credit score? Will your budget get you to your goal?
Most people don’t know the answers to these questions, and many of us don’t talk about money. Downstreet offers a budget counseling service to help you look at all of your personal finances and figure out a budget that works for you. At each appointment, you will meet with a certified counselor one-on-one and get answers to all of your questions. You will also receive:
- A customized budget built for you or your household
- A review of your credit report
- An action plan to address obstacles to your goal
We want to help you reach your goals, whether that means getting your first credit card, improving your credit, addressing debt, stop living paycheck to paycheck, or saving up for bigger purchases like a car or house.
Ready to get started?
Great! Use the tool below to schedule your initial consultation with your very own advisor. After you submit your request for an appointment, we will confirm the date and time of your consultation.
HAVE QUESTIONS? Please contact us at anytime: (802) 476-4493.