Fox Run Groundbreaking Celebration

Today, the Berlin community marked the groundbreaking of Fox Run Apartments with a celebration. Co-owners and co-developers, Downstreet and Evernorth partnered to develop Fox Run Apartments which will provide essential housing for 30 low- and moderate-income households in Berlin.
“The communities of Central Vermont are in desperate need of more housing,” said Angie Harbin, Downstreet Executive Director. “Fox Run Apartments is a critical part of the solution that will provide safe, stable homes for families, workers for local employers, kids for local schools, and people for the local community. Downstreet is grateful to be part of the collective effort that made this project possible.”
“The development of Fox Run Apartments is a shining example of what is possible in our communities
through successful collaboration between nonprofit and private developers, towns and strong state and federal partners,” said Kathy Beyer, Senior Vice President for Real Estate Development at Evernorth. “Fox Run is also addressing climate change; by installing cold climate heat pumps, our building will prevent the emission of over 83 tons of CO2 annually.”
Fox Run Apartments is the creation of 30 affordable apartments ideally situated in the heart of the Berlin Commons New Town Center. Located within walking distance to area employers, schools, and services, the new building will provide residents with green space, community gardens, an onsite office for resident services and property management, and a community room. Fox Run Apartments is designed as a single three-story building with a mix of 10 project-based housing subsidies, affordable, and market rate apartments. Downstreet has built a robust and successful system to coordinate services and connect residents to the help they need, including a strong partnership with the Family Center of Washington County to serve previously homeless families; this program will be extended to include additional families at Fox Run.
"The Family Center has enjoyed a long-term symbiotic relationship with Downstreet in which we provide support services to families in many Downstreet units," said Kathi Partlow, Housing & Community Development Manager at the Family Center of Washington County. "These new units at Fox Run will serve those who are in desperate need of safe affordable housing at a time when affordable housing opportunities are few and far between."
$15.1 million from a mix of public and private sources was raised to cover the total development costs. Housing New England (HNE) Funds provided the tax credit equity investment of $5.8 million for this project, which is administered by the Vermont Housing Finance Agency. The Vermont Housing Finance Agency also provided $175,000 from the Vermont Housing Investment Fund. The Vermont Housing and Conservation Board contributed over $ 3.1 million, including over $2.5 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding and $1.4 million in HOME funds. Citizens Bank provided the construction loan.
The town of Berlin contributed $500,000 through the VT Community Development Program. Other sources of funds include NeighborWorks, Efficiency Vermont and Green Mountain Power. The VT State Housing Authority awarded 10 critically needed project-based housing subsidies to Fox Run Apartments.
“The Town of Berlin is excited to partner with Downstreet and Evernorth on this important project to provide much needed housing in Berlin,” said Ture Nelson, Berlin Town Administrator. “The Fox Run Apartments will provide critical housing in a walkable community within the Berlin Commons New Town Center.”
Wiemann Lamphere Architects is the project architect. Neagley & Chase is the Construction Manager.
Photo by Sally McCay.