Downstreet's Reponse to COVID-19

With the health and well-being of our communities, residents and staff in mind, Downstreet is taking the following proactive measures to do our part to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Beginning at 4pm today, Friday, March 13th, our staff will be working remotely and we will not be allowing outside visitors into our office. All outside meetings that were scheduled in our community space have been canceled until further notice. You may continue to contact via phone or email and we will otherwise be conducting business as usual.
If you are a renter, you may pay your rent online through RentTrack, mail in your check, or you may drop off your rent check in the locked drop box at our main office in Barre; please do not pay in cash, and be aware that receipts will not be available at this time.
Our Property Management, SASH (Support & Services at Home) and Maintenance services departments will begin to provide services remotely. In the case of an emergency, we will address needs on a case-by-case basis. 24/7 emergency maintenance service is always available to our tenants through our emergency maintenance line at (802) 229-6563. When you have a request for maintenance please let us know if you are ill and have any of the following symptoms so that our technicians can be prepared: fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
Downstreet continues to monitor the COVID-19 virus. We are regularly updating our procedures and protocols to insure our residents and staff are safe. Staff are being advised to monitor their own health and to take extra precautions. Our website blog and Facebook page will be updated as needed, so please check back for the latest information.
Please take the necessary steps to ensure your own continued health by focusing on hand washing, staying away from large group gatherings, avoiding contact with those who have been sick. For up-to-date information on the situation in Vermont, please visit Vermont Department of Health's website.
To read updates on the virus worldwide, please visit the World Health Organization website.
In peace and purpose,
Eileen Peltier